2008 Evaluation of California Statewide Aggregator Demand Response Programs, Volume 2: Baseline Analysis of AMP Demand Response Program
Categories: Demand Response, Program Evaluation - View PDF
May 30, 2009 - Dave Armstrong
This report summarizes the results of a baseline analysis that was undertaken as part of the statewide ex-post evaluation of the Aggregator demand response programs. The objective of the baseline analysis was to assess the relative accuracy and bias of several alternative methods for calculating baselines for measuring load impacts for settlement. Data for some 600 customers enrolled in PG&E’s Aggregator Managed Portfolio (AMP) program were used to assess the performance of a range of unadjusted and adjusted baseline methods. Of particular interest were differences in performance between baselines calculated for the aggregation of load data across customers enrolled for a particular aggregator, and a baseline calculated as the sum of individual customers’ baselines.
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Steven D. Braithwait, David Armstrong, 2008 Evaluation of California Statewide Aggregator Demand Response Programs, Volume 2: Baseline Analysis of AMP Demand Response Program, March 30, 2009.