2012 Statewide Load Impact Evaluation of California Aggregator Demand Response Programs Volume 2: Baseline Analysis

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April 1, 2013 - Dan Hansen and Dave Armstrong


Dave Armstrong

Dan Hansen

Dan Hansen


Steve Braithwait

This second volume of the aggregator evaluation report for program-year 2012 contains an analysis of the performance of the current aggregator program baseline methods and of a number of potential alternative baseline methods. Settlement baselines are critical components of demand response programs such as the aggregator programs, as they serve as the reference point for measuring program load reductions for which customers and aggregators receive credit payments, and utilities receive resource credits. The baseline analysis in this study focuses on differences in results under the following conditions: 1. Using aggregations of individual customer baselines, compared to baselines that are constructed from aggregated loads across customers in a relevant portfolio (e.g., all of the customer accounts nominated in one aggregator’s CBP DO notice portfolio for a given month); 2. Using a range of caps on day-of percentage baseline adjustments (e.g., cap percentages of 20, 30, 40, and 50, plus unlimited adjustments); and 3. Comparing results across only those customers who actually selected the day-of baseline adjustment in 2012 to a case where baselines are adjusted for all enrolled and nominated customers (i.e., assuming that all customers in a portfolio selected the adjustment).

Citation & Download

Steve Braithwait, Dan Hansen, David Armstrong, 2012 Statewide Load Impact Evaluation of California Aggregator Demand Response Programs Volume 2: Baseline Analysis, CALMAC Study ID PGE0318.02, April 1, 2013.

Volume 1 of this report is available here.