Bruce Chapman

For more information, contact Bruce Chapman.

Cost-of-Service Studies

Regulated utilities turn to the established experts at CA Energy Consulting for reputable, intelligent costing, a prerequisite to good ratemaking. Our assistance ranges from reviews of methods to conducting complete cost-of-service studies, going the distance through regulatory review with written and oral testimony from team of experts.

We excel in the modeling capabilities demanded in a detailed, thoughtful cost-of-service study. We can use clients’ in-house modeling platforms or our own customizable cost-of-service model.  Our team manages utility data, collaborates in allocator development and support and develops summary reports that present a clear and comprehensive picture of the utility’s cost of service.

CA Energy Consulting has a reputation for objectivity.  We have undertaken cost-of-service analyses for many types of utilities (electric and natural gas, investor-owned and public sector) and have provided rigorous examination of others’ studies for regulators in rate case reviews.  We have also assisted large customers seeking to develop special contracts where cost saving justify more favorable tariff treatment. We have assisted utilities with recent contentious issues such as the treatment of renewable generation assets and the classification of certain distribution assets.

Bruce Chapman

For more information, contact Bruce Chapman.

"Working with CA Energy Consulting, we evaluated the risks, managed the price and cost exposure issues to everyone's satisfaction (including our commission) and offered a flat bill product that has been unstoppable in the market. Sales for this option continue to be strong, and customer satisfaction is high. CA Energy Consulting’s help made all this run efficiently, and helped us build a credible business case that greased the skids for moving the program along."

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