CA Energy Consulting Experts Speak at Edison Electric Institute Electric Rates Course

Categories: Cost-of-Service, Innovative Electricity Pricing, Performance-Based Ratemaking, Rate Design

July 31, 2024 - Bruce Chapman, Dan Hansen, Michael Ty Clark, and Nicholas Crowley

CA Energy Consulting experts Bruce Chapman, Dan Hansen, Mike Clark, and Nick Crowley presented at the 2024 Edison Electric Institute Electric Rates Course on issues related to costing, pricing, and incentive regulation. The course educated industry rates managers and other practitioners on embedded and marginal cost allocation methodologies and the design of innovative rates using estimates of electric utility marginal costs. CA Energy Consulting’s contributions to the rates course also included a discussion of the theory and practice of alternative regulation tools, including multi-year rate plans, forward test years, formula rates, performance incentive mechanisms (“PIMs”), and cost trackers. In addition, the CA Energy Consulting team organized and facilitated interactive breakout group sessions over the three-day course in which participants developed rate designs to meet contemporary rate design challenges.