
Tim Huegerich

Tim Huegerich

Vice President

PhD, University of Wisconsin–Madison

Tim Huegerich’s project work draws upon his expertise in applied microeconomics, econometrics and statistics, data management, and writing. He has experience with litigation support for intellectual property, labor, discrimination, and antitrust cases. He also has a science background with a B.S. in physics. He leverages his advanced skills in Microsoft Excel as well as programming languages such as Fortran to develop incisive quantitative analyses. He is fluent in the Stata statistical software package for managing complex data sets and conducting sophisticated econometric analyses.

Tim received his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.  After two years at Ashenfelter & Ashmore, a litigation consulting firm in Princeton, NJ, Tim returned to Madison to join Christensen Associates.

Tim enjoys trail running and ground-level parkour.

News & Updates

2015 Load Impact Evaluation of California Statewide Base Interruptible Programs (BIP) for Non-Residential Customers: Ex-post and Ex-ante Report -

April 01, 2016 - CA Energy Consulting documents ex-post and ex-ante load impact evaluations for the statewide Base Interruptible Program (“BIP”) in place at Pacific Gas and Electric Company (“PG&E”), Southern California Edison (“SCE”), and San Diego Gas and Electric Company (“SDG&E”) in 2015.

2014 Load Impact Evaluation of California Statewide Base Interruptible Programs (BIP) for Non-Residential Customers: Ex Post and Ex Ante Report -

April 01, 2015 - CA Energy Consulting reported on ex post and ex ante load impact evaluations for the statewide Base Interruptible Program (“BIP”) in place at Pacific Gas and Electric Company (“PG&E”), Southern California Edison (“SCE”), and San Diego Gas and Electric Company (“SDG&E”) in 2014.